Our contact details

  • 262 Rue Paccard
    Galerie Blanc Neige
  • contactSUPPRIMER@easyclix.fr

Easyclix opening times

  • Monday – Tuesday – Thursday – Friday: 9.30am/12.30pm – 2.00pm/6.00pm
  • Wednesday: Closed in the morning – 2.00/6.00 pm
  • Saturday: 9.30am/12.30pm – Closed in the afternoon
  • Sunday: Closed in the morning – Closed in the afternoon
  • Public holidays: depends on the weather!

Easyclix, your computer specialist in ChamonixWe cater for all individuals and professionals in the Mont Blanc valley: Servoz, Les Houches, Chamonix, Argentière, Vallorcine…
and we’ll be delighted to answer your call if you need any computer troubleshooting!

If we don’t answer, it’s because we’re out of town or on an appointment (or simply unavailable),
In that case, leave us a message and we’ll call you back as soon as possible!