Microsoft Windows
1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.1 / 95 / 98 / NT4 / 2000
XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
Apple MacOS
9.X ou 10.X Yos., El Cap, Sierra, H.Sierra, Mojave, Catalina
11 BigSur / 12.X Monterey /13.X Ventura / 14.X Sonoma
OpenSource Linux
Fedora / Debian / Ubuntu / Slackware / Etc.
Specials Tricks
BootCamp / Hackintosh / OpenCore
(Windows sur Mac / MacOS sur PC / Force Update)

IT Services on Sallanches, Passy and around
Easyclix purpose a lot of services on IT Services ot IT support : support of your datas, routers installation like Livebox, SFR Box, BBox, or private router, Lan installation, back up solutions, help on Outlook, etc.
In our life we had repaired 500 customers and more in France, and we could too give you some important informations about your computer on Windows, OSX or Linux, and help you to use the Office Pack, and all the principal utils to use at your desk !

Computer Repair, laptop or desktop, PC or Mac
Easyclix comes to your home or in your enterprise for every IT support or service to give.
We repair computers, laptops and desktops, and we could help you to configure your Wifi, your printer, your scan, or configure your private lan at home or professionnal lan in your company.
We repair Windows 10 and 11 computers, Linux and Apple computers without problems, just with the good solution to give !

Laptop’s and desktop’s hardware and components in Sallanches
We have a lot of pieces and components for your laptop at our desk in Chamonix Mont Blanc. We could have some parts if we buy them on the internet in 4 or 5 days, or, in some cases, we have old parts that run beautifully and that we could put in your computer for half-price (old pieces).
Regulary, we take old components and re-mount laptops or desktops, with few new parts too, that we sell after that to our customers (like Macbooks pro, Dell computers, iMac computers, etc.).

Local Lan Installation on your Passy home or enterprise
Easyclix is qualified to install at home or in your company all the necessary material to have a local lan, to work or share datas, with some special rights for some people, and other rights for other. We could securise all your important datas and customers folders !
In a home lan, we could configure a little server to have access to your films, photos, videos, with any computer, iPad or Smartphone in the house !
Please contact us to know all the solutions that we have for that !