Easyclix has made some interessant web projects, that are services for these customers, here there is some explications :

Chx.fr : Mail boxes service in @chx.fr

Chx.fr has been published in le Dauphiné Libéré, and in MonPetitChamonix.com
(See : Article du Dauphiné Libéré – See : Article chx.fr sur MonPetitChamonix.com)

This Mail Boxes Web service in @chx.fr has a lot of options, for a very simple thing initialy, expications :

Sweet Mailboxes !

The very cool component of this service is to have a very easy email adress ! Imagine if you are a plumber, to have the adress plumber@chx.fr and work in Chamonix ! This is the best way to communicate the image of your company when you give your email adress to a customer.

We have for example the adress “helico@chx.fr” created by Chamonix Mont Blanc helicoptère, for them it is a good way of communication, and the possibility to be remembered by their customers !

End of the emails hacking stories !

A lot of our customers had hacking problems with their Gmail, Hotmail, Outllok.com or Yahoo email adress, because an Hacker has took the control of their email boxes, without possibility to recover it …

The Mail box service in @chx.fr could help them because these accounts could not be hacked, that’s the concept of the private emails boxes, users have to contact Easyclix for example if they want to change their password, it limits risks at all points of view !

Le service Email chx.fr

  • Email account of 5gb
  • No hacking problem
  • Cool email adress in @chx.fr
  • Config. Pop or Imap possible
  • FOr all supports (PC/Mac/Smartphones)
  • Webmail OK online
  • Support by Easyclix all the year
  • Webservers on OVH France (Serveurs HHQ 99,999% OK.)
  • Online creation on www.chx.fr

3,00€/month TTC, = 36,00€/year

Visibilité Pro : a local directory oriented S.E.O.

Visibilité Pro has been published in le Dauphiné Libéré
(See : Article du Dauphiné Libéré)

Created by 2 enterprises of Chamonix (Easyclix and Planet-Hi-Tech), Visibilité Pro is a local directory created to put professionnals on it that haven’t a website or any informations on the Internet, and that want to appear on it to be viewed.

The way of Visibilité Pro is to prove that it is important today to have a website, and, after 1 or 2 years on Visibilité Pro, create a complete website, by return the SEO done on V.P. to the future website, and be in 1st page of Google on some keywords.

On V.P., every professionnal has a web showcase, that is possible to administrate theirselves
(texts, photos, videos, informations about their enterprise, gadgets, animations, etc.)
that we put first for the customer to prepare his space, and optimize the keywords for the SEO

Cost for a showcase (creation + support) : 240,00€/year TTC